Friday, March 19, 2010


It seems most of our life currently revolves around waiting. Justin is waiting to hear back from a few more graduate programs before we make our final decision about where we will be going next year. So far, it is still looking like L.A. (which we love)! Laura is busy applying for jobs in the L.A. area and waiting to hear back. Most of the jobs she is applying for are Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapist positions working with children who have autism spectrum disorders. So we are just waiting for things to fall into place so we can pursue looking for housing more vigorously.

AND we are waiting for our little niece to come home from Ethiopia! Laura's oldest sister Lisa and her husband Travis are adopting a 5 month old girl from Ethiopia. We are so excited for them, and cannot wait to meet sweet little baby E! Praise Jesus for those chubby little cheeks!

Smokie Aoki is blissfully unaware that major changes are in store for him. He has severe separation anxiety, and does not do well with changes (meaning he gets uncontrollable diarrhea.......)(I know you are glad we shared that with you). We are hoping that once he figures out that his little stick legs don't have to deal with snow or temperatures of 30 below that he will be appeased.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

After much stalking of other people's blogs, here WE are in the blogging world! We are two people who are happily married, and looking forward to the adventures that life has in store for us. And of course we also have an itty-bitty furbaby named Smokie who we adopted last year.

Life in the Aoki household is about finding time to wash the dishes between everything else we have going on. We currently have a pile on our counter that is looking particularly ominous which is why I decided it was the perfect time to start a blog (instead of tackling the mountain in our kitchen).

So what are we up to these days you ask?........Laura is in her last semester of graduate school for her masters degree in clinical psychology. She has a wonderful internship at a children's hospital where she does assessments for children who have developmental disabilities. Justin is planning his graduate school career for next year as he's hearing back from schools. We have good news from a school just outside L.A. that was Justin's top masters program choice. Laura also has several potential options in the L.A. area through Americorp which makes this school even more attractive to us.